The Blog Nobody Reads

ruminations on politics, fat cats, injustice, and happier things like how to be more in tune with the planet, and the people on it.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

One Billion Down, How Many More To Go?

Opps! NASA Bites The Billion Dollar Screw Up!
See....all that money and same outcome... the tracking planes, and radar, and whatever else they used told the same story. Foam breaks off and people could die... Let's hope not this time.... I watched, on NASA TV again, the crew do a complete sweep of the tiles on the Shuttle. Everything looked good to me, but what do I know, I'm no rocket scientist! The folks in the physics lab down at the cape, or in Houston, are baffled... after spending a billion dollars you'd think they'd be done being baffled. Two years is a long time to not have figured it out before they sent seven more flesh and blood beings up on the biggest Roman candle the world has ever seen. Launch went alright, but what about re-entry? So, it's good they will ground the fleet and it would be even better if they stopped trying to get to Mars, or finish the Space Station. Spend the next billion dollars on things we really need, like clean air, clean water, food for the hungry and shelter of the homeless, and a new pair of custom fit leather pants for yours truly!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Just Call Me Space Dork!

Ok, I have serious issues with the amount of money spent on the space program, but I still get excited and mesmerized by the launches and the missions..... I was born in a time before space flight, manned or unmanned.... I grew up watching every launch...... the mission to the moon (which my Uncle Johnny swore never happened) and the tragedies that resulted in the loss of both shuttle crews.

So this morning I am sitting at the computer, because we don't have TV, watching the launch on NASA tv with my full Earth photos in the background so I can get a sense of the flight trajectory and just where the shuttle is.... see, big dork factor.... I will check in daily at for updates. I will download photos. I will sit and watch the action at The Johnson Space Center. I will be a Space Dork until the mission ends, even though I'm not sure why we need a space station or why we need to go to Mars, or why seven people would be willing to strap themselves to something that could incinerate them in a flash.... still, I will watch... and hope that "Discovery's return to space" won't end in tragedy this time around.

Friday, July 22, 2005

the value of art is subjective....

taking it to the street

Wish I had thought of that one too, but the Doobie Brothers did me in....

So, never, since the day I first called myself an artist because David Valdez (well know Santa Fe painter) told me too,... (It's very rare that I do what boys tell me...) have I taken my art anywhere to sell it... but that changes on Thursday.... the Last Thursday on Alberta.... more guerilla.... just lay it out there on something that won't distract from the pieces and let the art speak for itself. No prices, just a suggestion that art is indeed subjective and the piece is only worth whatever?... does that make sense?

I write a lot of thoughts while wandering galleries and museums.... about an artist's concept of their work... what I think they meant, and sometimes reflections on my own attempts in a particular medium. I've always seen my work as falling short, of what, I'm not sure. I measure myself too much against the work of people I admire... Pollack, Ono, Worhal, van gough.... my tribute to the Ono exhibition in San Francisco is my best sculpture yet. I also measure me, against me... medium to medium... what works, what doesn't.... and I'm finally starting to see greatness in most every finished piece I do... not measured against Pollock, Ono, Worhal, or the tortured soul of vincent van gough. He signed his paintings in lower case letters. I wonder why? I do too.... I think I do it because I feel small as an artist... not yet fully bloomed...

All my books, my most precious possessions, have been in boxes for months... for those that "know" me,,,, yeah, I've moved again.... I finally took them out the other day and sat there smiling, like I was seeing old friends. One of the first books out of the box had a picture of the place in New Mexico where I did my first drawings... onion skin and pastels.... the place is Three Rivers State Park and for me it was all about the petroglyphs... simple lines that made the most fabulous statement.... I've kind of stuck to that simple line style, just more styles of lines and better materials. Wonder what the artist that did the pounding at the stone would have thought of pastels, paper, and paint? I'm glad there weren't any, because I got my zap to pick up a brush and a crayon, and trash along the streetand create... all because of the simplicty and the beauty of art that was more than a thousand years old.

My art has grown, but I've not hit my zenith... I'm learning, and taking chances and being ok with making crap from time to time...

So, out I go
into the street
to see what happens
to each piece...

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Let me Explain....the photo that follows/ Reclaiming Ceremonial Dress

reclaiming words
Everyone is reclaiming words... turning what was once spewed with hate into something different, closer to home. Americans of African descent. Americans of Mexican decent. Then there is the whole queer, fag, dyke thing. Like I said, everybody is doing it....

A lot has been written/filmed about the American Indian (there is no such thing as a Native American)... positive stuff, and then there is that genre that will never die...yes, they still run those dirty westerns in which "the only good Indian is a dead Indian".

I got the idea for the plains style Ceremonial dress from what was printed on the back of an old post card from "Indian Country in South Dakota".... made when postage for said card was only one RED cent... (another one of THOSE words). I found it in an antique shop on the Oregon coast and it got me thinking of words that we as Indians could steal back from the people who stole from us..... the card says, "Sioux Indian Chief and squaw" squaw, I hadn't heard that word in a lot of years.... it was like hearing the word "DYKE" come out of a skinhead's mouth..... there's still plenty of bigotry in Indian country. Just read Counting Coup.... a great book on what Crow Indians face in "modern" day Montana.

Right after the postcard I got this book as a gift, "Waterlilly" by a Yankton Sioux (Lakota) woman named Ella Cara Deloria. She was born in 1889 and lived on the Standing Rock Reservation of the Teton Sioux. She was an anthro (Indian slang for Anthropologists) when Indian women didn't do that kind of thing. Her book didn't get published in her lifetime. It is the story, primarily, about the life of women in a Lakota tribe before the plains were colonized by whites. As I read it, I thought about the word Squaw, then came Redskin, Heathen, and Savage. All I could think of was, "here is a piece of historical fiction, written by someone who grew up in the culture, if not the same time as when the story takes place, and all I can see in my mind's eye are families eaking out a sometimes hard existence and remembering the kinships that make survival possible. All I saw in the pages were concrete examples of the untruths in all those words.

New definitions for old words:with quotes from the book.

Savage - "the constants of life went and women worked, children played, old men sat dreaming of past glories, and old women fussed over children." and "children loved to give. They gave themselves, or their elders gave in their name, honoring them, until they learned to feel a responsibility to do so..."

Redskin - "by this initial and voluntary gesture, he had pledged to spare nothing to make the sons of his sisters and women cousins into brave and worthy men."

Squaw - "Camp life was carried on the back's of women. They scraped hides on their knees, chewed sinew with their teeth, and sometimes gave birth alone, never crying out in pain because to do so would dishonor them." and "women worked hard to provide all that was necessary to their family and those in close kinship. Constantly giving thanks to the Great Spirit for what they had, no matter how little it was."

Heathen - "O Grandfather hear me! Since the very beginning you have been here. Before there were any men, you were here. And it is certain that long after we are all gone you will remain. Hear me Grandfather and pity me."

The dress and parfletch are made from recycled paper, cigarette pack foil (how prison of me), handmade FIMO beads, old style typewriter key stickers, ink and oil pencils.

The biest piece yet Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 18, 2005

opps, I forgot

fingers on the keys, and...
write something.... Funny how time flies when your having fun, getting mad, deciding to move, AGAIN, and figuring out how to earn enough money to survive and still write and make art and do the laundry.... Ok, it's a bit dramatic to include the laundry, but there is that dramatic license, and I'm claiming said license for myself...At least for today.... Anyone remember Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard?..... That was was some kind of drama when she told the camera she was ready for her close up.

I've been so preoccupied with the almighty pieces of paper with dead guys on them that I feel no creative urge with words.. The only words I feel really work for me right now are shit, fuck, and piss..... three I string together on a daily basis as I try to sell myself to what might be the lowest bidder offering less than a living wage for long hours of hard work... there was something to be said for being my own boss, but then there was the seven day work week and NO time or energy for anything more than food, farts, showers and off again to the salt mine....

I've never been one to just look at the bad, but lately I am consumed by this feeling that my bling and cha ching got delivered to the wrong address. Someplace on the upper west side of NYC... Park Avenue not Killingsworth Street in Portland, Oregon. I keep squeezing a quarter trying to turn it into a hundred dollar bill. So far, my attempt at alchemy has failed miserably. Guess I should stick to something not involving chemistry of the magical kind. Sciences never are my strong suit...

I keep thinking of relocating, to a bigger metropolis, maybe to Metropolis... wonder if Superman needs a personal assistant? Opps, there goes that dream sequence.... me running after the man in the cape reminding him, as he flys off to save the world, that he has a dentist appointment on Tuesday.

Back to bigger city equals bigger chance of scoring a job where the money is enough and the hours are very few.... because I want to write for the screen, I keep thinking of Hollywierd.... it's not like I've never been there.... it's the place where I was born, ok not actually in Hollywood, and the place where I graduated from high school, again, not actually in Hollywood. But, when you live in the LA basin you kind of claim it all as your own. I read this blog by a kid who made the mistake of getting involved in reality TV, why, I'm still not sure. I'd hate to have to sell my soul to be able to write and study at UCLA Film School (not him in film school, it me in my other favorite dream sequence). Seems he's decided to sell himself to a slave driver of an agent....who expects him to be at her beck and call. He gets to read scripts, that can't be all bad.... but there is that beck and call thing....

Not sure where the winding path of my current existance leads, but at least I wrote something.....