The Blog Nobody Reads

ruminations on politics, fat cats, injustice, and happier things like how to be more in tune with the planet, and the people on it.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Guilty until proven innocent...

observations on this life

Just watched a Court TV program about five men and one woman wrongly convicted of rapes and murders who spent up to 22 years, in the case of one man, on death row. All were found to be innocent through DNA testing or new trials, or confessions of the actual person (s) who committed the crimes. As somone who does not understand the concept of murdering murders, I'm especially repulsed by how many innocent people have been locked up in violent institutions for crimes they did not commit. Why is there not a constitutional admendment that allows for reparations to be paid to these people for all the time they lost in the world. Everything else in our society has a price. What is one day on death row worth? What kind payment is fair for someone who sat in a cell the size of most people's closets and had that knowing that one day they would come for you and take your life?

I say one million dollars from the state for every year they sat and waited to die or to be set free. They should be provided with any kind of counseling or therapy they want or need to make themselves somewhat whole again. They should be given a house and a car and a free college education at any school in the state system not only for them, but for their children, and their children's children.

An eye for an eye is an old proverb and needs to be ignored.... We are much more intelligent creatures than the ancient tribal people who wrote that.....

Thursday, March 17, 2005

What DOES single look like at 49...

observations on this life

I'm having a hard time grasping what it will look like to be single, and mostly singularly focused, at my age...

Hum... I'm looking forward to living in order instead of chaos. To being able to do it my way... to having the ability to make decisions wothout consulting someone else. To being able to sit alone in a movie theatre.... traveling and stopping whenever I want.... but it's also a bit of nervous energy that pulses through my body.... I want a lot of things in life, and now must be the time to go after all of them...

Thursday, March 10, 2005

I've Joined The HERD...

observations on this life

Why, as a college educated person, would I choose to join the HERD and take a packing and shipping job in a lighting factory?....
I'm having a great time being blue collar....
The horn sounds and we all trudge to our stations.... we work.... the horn sounds and we all trudge off to break.... the horn sounds and we all trudge back.... we work.... the horn sounds and we trudge off to lunch.... we eat, or smoke, and most of the guys play ping pong as if it was Superbowl sunday..... the horn sounds we trudge back to the stacks and boxes and pieces and parts that need to go into the boxes..... I pushed a cart around today, the kind hotel laundry usually goes in, and collected this stuff they call snake paper to wrap the most enormous light fixtures with.... I WAS SMILING.... which isnt' something I've done at work for years....
Being your own boss can be a real pain in the (insert foul word here).... Shit, I don't miss pissy clients.... I don't miss working fifty ba jillion hours a week and still having things that needed to get done yesterday....
I like leaving work at work.... I like the horn, it's become something to look forward to..... like being back in elementary school and knowing the bell for recess will ring in three more minutes....
I'm surrounded by people from Butan, Tibet, China, The Ukraine and every other break away republic, Thailand, Mexico, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, and who knows where else.... In my other life the only people I saw were white, upper middle class pricks who never really wanted to pay the bill, even though they asked for the service... These are a simpler kind of folk, who actually have something to smile about and actually give two shits about the person standing next to them on the line...

On my first day...I forgot to pack a lunch, as I've always been able to go where I wanted and take as much time as I needed... this kid that works at the station next to mine offered me some of his lunch.... my high falutin' clients never did that for me....

There is something to be said for following the horn and being in the herd.... there is safety in numbers, and now that I no longer have to crunch the numbers, I'm liking working again.... who knew...
I have time to write
I have time to study all that culinary shit that arrives in the mail and actually take a test a week and I'll probably graduate on time...
I have time to sit on my butt and watch a movie and not think about what has to be done tomorrow, because some other shmuck is probably glued to a screen in the factory, wishing they were at home instead of working late trying to figure out how to get more product shipped to the masses than they did today.... silly them....

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

A writer who doesn't.....write

from someone who can't write those observations down...

Who sits at the keyboard and does not know what to say... who makes up stories in her head and never has the forethought to carry around a pen and a notebook to write down the thoughts when they come....who looks at the mountain instead of the mole...

I'm my own worst writer's block...
really need to knock the block down...

find a very sexy girl and
bed her....
use her as a muse...
use her for her flesh,
and her essence