The Blog Nobody Reads

ruminations on politics, fat cats, injustice, and happier things like how to be more in tune with the planet, and the people on it.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

One Billion Down, How Many More To Go?

Opps! NASA Bites The Billion Dollar Screw Up!
See....all that money and same outcome... the tracking planes, and radar, and whatever else they used told the same story. Foam breaks off and people could die... Let's hope not this time.... I watched, on NASA TV again, the crew do a complete sweep of the tiles on the Shuttle. Everything looked good to me, but what do I know, I'm no rocket scientist! The folks in the physics lab down at the cape, or in Houston, are baffled... after spending a billion dollars you'd think they'd be done being baffled. Two years is a long time to not have figured it out before they sent seven more flesh and blood beings up on the biggest Roman candle the world has ever seen. Launch went alright, but what about re-entry? So, it's good they will ground the fleet and it would be even better if they stopped trying to get to Mars, or finish the Space Station. Spend the next billion dollars on things we really need, like clean air, clean water, food for the hungry and shelter of the homeless, and a new pair of custom fit leather pants for yours truly!


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