The Blog Nobody Reads

ruminations on politics, fat cats, injustice, and happier things like how to be more in tune with the planet, and the people on it.

Friday, June 17, 2005

when the world grows smaller....

and smaller

Internet technology is a crazy can stumble upon something amazing, like earth orbiting satellite feeds that show the canyons at the bottom of the sea, while trying to learn something else.... stumble across an old friend while learning about a new one, and once in awhile get smacked upside the head by memories of an intense, flaming affair.

I sat for awhile and ran the movie of a six-month period of my life from almost five years ago... It's like I got to sneek into the pictures and do it all again... with a smile on my face, I wandered through one of the best summers of my life and dreamt about doing something that sick and twisted and hot again.... I sometimes forget that passion is out there...

Thursday, June 16, 2005

next chapter... new location.... same stuff....different day....

no longer a part of the herd....
Didn't last long, but still very much liked the place.... started to tire of the regimentation, but learned to make a game of it... I'm still surprised that this seasonal job was during such a short season... sucks to be jobless again, but at least I have a great place to live with people that I seem to like, so far...

Holy sheep dip.... so much has happened in the last few months and I'm still stroking and fighting and running up stream to wherever it is that I'm supposed to be going.... wish I knew where in the Sam Hell I was headed.... Am I supposed to spawn when I get there?
So tired of boxes, and moving. I'm hoping that it ends here, at least for a bit....

Friday, June 03, 2005

When The Light Bulb Goes Off....

Pay Attention To It

I've been fighting running up stream... no taking the easy way out this time pal...
It's horribly clear that my path will follow a direction not determined in my mind. Everytime I make a plan, the road turns in a different direction... I bang my belly against the rocks, drag my tail against the current.

It's worth the fight, if you fight the indecision and doubt that fuels the fire of complacency...