The Blog Nobody Reads

ruminations on politics, fat cats, injustice, and happier things like how to be more in tune with the planet, and the people on it.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Waking Up Without A Clue...

observations on this life
Woke up this morning feeling as if I was in the wrong place, or more like I wasn't sure where I was. But I was at home, in my own space.... Hum... The long winter nights make it hard to adjust to the darkness in the early hours. I wish I could sleep until the sun peaks over the horizon, but it doesn't happen much anymore. Only when I stay out very late and staying out late doesn't happen very much anymore either.
It's funny how unfamiliar the familiar can be sometimes. As I've moved from being a working stiff to being a student again I find that from time to time I'm left feeling lost sitting on my couch, watching my TV, eating my food.
It's an adjustment and it could be why I felt so uncomfortable when I woke up this morning. Seems that each day blends into the next, and I've fallen into that rhythm that leaves me in a place of not knowing what day, or date it is. I'll be glad when winter wains a little more and the sun gets up before I do.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

observations on this life

observations on this life
The art of cooking is kind of like painting, except the canvas gets eaten instead of admired. I'm reading A Cooks Tour by Anthony Bourdain. He describes the art as something that comforts him, guides him in life. I haven't hit that mark yet. I'm still trying to find my rhythm with the food. I love the textures of the ingredients. I love tweaking a sauce to suit my tastes. I love making a simple recipe better with the addition of just one or two things, but it's all halted, choppy, not flowing as smoothly as I'd like. I've always had this thing about wanting to be very good at something from the beginning of trying whatever it is, but in food it takes practice. Not that you can't cook and have it come out edible, but to make great food that lingers on the mind longer than it lingers on the tongue is more difficult.

Last night's dinner, the photo is below, was one of those times when it did linger on the mind after the meal was over.

Friday, January 28, 2005

You know you want me to cook food like this for you... Posted by Hello

My latest projects.... Posted by Hello

Manipulation of seaside ground cover Posted by Hello

Oregon Coast Sunset....Posted by Hello

observations on this life

in fucked up Amerika

So, now it's Buster Bunny visits the children of lesbians and 300 PBS stations won't air the episode. Who knew that one of two moms opening a door so Buster could talk to the kids about making cheese in Vermont was "too much mature subject matter for toddlers", according to the Traditional Family Values Coalition. Fear of losing government grant money is the reason most say thaey won't let kids see inside the life of the altern-a-family kids, even though those grants are given so stations can produce programs presenting the diveristy of the lives of children in this country. Muslims kids are ok, mormans are ok, Humong are ok, American Indian are ok, fundamentalist christians are ok, but not the kids of any kind of Gay or Lesbian parents.
This country's definition of a "good" family sucks green monkey dicks!

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

observations on this life

observations on this life

So, still trying to figure out how to post new stuff... too many links to too many places... I thought I knew about computers, but I'm for shit at figuring out this thing. Does anyone care athat the budget deficit is over 400 billion dollars and George wants more money that we don't have to drive the people in Iraq crazy with his devilish plot to make them just like us. Like, who would want to emulate Amerikan culture....

Monday, January 24, 2005

The ultimate boy toy... Posted by Hello