The Blog Nobody Reads

ruminations on politics, fat cats, injustice, and happier things like how to be more in tune with the planet, and the people on it.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Waking Up Without A Clue...

observations on this life
Woke up this morning feeling as if I was in the wrong place, or more like I wasn't sure where I was. But I was at home, in my own space.... Hum... The long winter nights make it hard to adjust to the darkness in the early hours. I wish I could sleep until the sun peaks over the horizon, but it doesn't happen much anymore. Only when I stay out very late and staying out late doesn't happen very much anymore either.
It's funny how unfamiliar the familiar can be sometimes. As I've moved from being a working stiff to being a student again I find that from time to time I'm left feeling lost sitting on my couch, watching my TV, eating my food.
It's an adjustment and it could be why I felt so uncomfortable when I woke up this morning. Seems that each day blends into the next, and I've fallen into that rhythm that leaves me in a place of not knowing what day, or date it is. I'll be glad when winter wains a little more and the sun gets up before I do.


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