The Blog Nobody Reads

ruminations on politics, fat cats, injustice, and happier things like how to be more in tune with the planet, and the people on it.

Friday, January 28, 2005

observations on this life

in fucked up Amerika

So, now it's Buster Bunny visits the children of lesbians and 300 PBS stations won't air the episode. Who knew that one of two moms opening a door so Buster could talk to the kids about making cheese in Vermont was "too much mature subject matter for toddlers", according to the Traditional Family Values Coalition. Fear of losing government grant money is the reason most say thaey won't let kids see inside the life of the altern-a-family kids, even though those grants are given so stations can produce programs presenting the diveristy of the lives of children in this country. Muslims kids are ok, mormans are ok, Humong are ok, American Indian are ok, fundamentalist christians are ok, but not the kids of any kind of Gay or Lesbian parents.
This country's definition of a "good" family sucks green monkey dicks!


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