"If we make massive investments in renewable energy and other green technologies we will heal the planet, solve the world's energy problems, create millions of jobs, and usher in a new era of shared global prosperity in one sustainable swoop. Spend some money building a massive international economic engine whose purpose is to restore the environment, and you'll kill all the birds that currently vex us with one stone."
Although I hate the two birds with one stone reference (I prefer two rivers with one bridge), this is the most sensible thing I've read in awhile.
The blurb is from an article in a web-a-log on the Seventh Generation website by a guy called the Inkslinger.
I absolutely agree that we really have no other choice than to become a global community working together or we will all fall apart. China needs fuel for the fires that power the industrial machine that makes crap for the rest of the world. Desert countries need to stop depending on oil revenues to run their countries. How about giant solar fields in places like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran. They could sell the power to China, and the rest of us. No blood for oil would become a relic in the lexicon of man.
If we work together, we can't hate each other. If we work together, trees in the rain forest will stop falling. If we work together, clean air, and water will be available to everyone. If we work together on solutions then greenhouse gases and global warming will no longer be this huge problem that plagues us. If we work together.... but can that happen in the world as we know it in 2008? I wonder.....