Observations on this life
So, actors in Hollweird make grand sums of money playing cowboys and Indians, cops and robbers, murders and victims. They work hard, yes, but are well taken care of while making a picture. They live in more than one house.... they eat and drink better than the rest of us and get freebies all the time that they could afford to pay for..... So, when I read in the New York Times that Randy Quaid was suing the producers of Brokeback Mountain because he agreed to do the damn movie for scale, "the complaint notes that the actors were paid a total of $521,000 for their work on the film", I wanted to kick the boy in the backside!
I figure I've made about $300,00 over the course of my working life up until now. A mere pittance in their world. They probably spend more than that on vacations every year....
I have no sympathy for Mr. Quaid. Well, a little because his brother is more famous and better looking. An actor at the top echelons of the game has no right to complain. They are given everything, and if requested in their contract I suppose it would come on a silver platter. At every awards ceremony and film festival they go on shopping sprees that don't cost them a dime. Companies court them as if they wanted to bed them or marry them. "Please, just wear my __________ one time so the masses will want to have it!" They are chauffered around and pampered and taken to lunch at the best restaurants. They live a grand life by playing make believe at work. So forgive me if I don't shed a tear for Mr. Quaid or any other "star" that feels slighted because their chunk of the backend profits add up to nil.
When you fight to keep a roof over your head, to keep food on the table, or scrounge for change to put gas in the car you can whine... Until then, take your big chunk of change and go back to your big house on the hill and shut your big pie hole. Be grateful that you have a life of luxury when most poor suckers are fighting to survive in this country with very mixed up priorities.