The Blog Nobody Reads

ruminations on politics, fat cats, injustice, and happier things like how to be more in tune with the planet, and the people on it.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

When Will We Have What We Need?

There are times in my life where I stop reading about what is going on in the world. I get so disgusted with all the bad news... I want to read about how people are being fed, wars are a thing of the past, and that George "I'm a punkin' head" Bush has been impeached. I'm sure that all those things are real in a parallel universe. For the last three weeks I've checked out of the rat race and retreated to the safety of being uninformed.

I feel such frustration at the way men run the world. I feel frustrated because I can't change it with a wave of my hand or a flick of my wrist. I want very much to see them ousted from their positions of power.... I would hope that once ousted, women would do a better job of healing the wounds created by the so-called dominate sex. Wounds that scar the Earth. Wounds inflicted on the innocents who must live in the war zones men love so much. What is it about tanks and bombs that gets them off? Big bullets, small penis.... hum.... someone should do a study....and waste some more money.

It's hard to be optimistic when the average person is doing so poorly, economically, in this country. Especially women. I know three who struggle everyday to keep up with all the bills. I live with two of them, and the other one is me.....

We live together because we want to create a micro-community where we do more than share space. We help each other out.... share what we have.... and life is a little easier because of the choice we made. I can't imagine living alone and trying to have a quality of life that is somewhere above the imaginary poverty line. Neither can the women I live with. So, we do the best we can with what we have and hope for better, Bush-less, days.

Days when we need never build another bomb or tank. Days when we need never fire another shot in anger. Days when all that military money is spent on things that actually matter.

I might not live long enough to see this brave new world, but I can dream.... and I can check out when I need to.....


At 8:00 AM, Blogger The Progressive said...

I'm not convinced gender makes a difference. There are plenty of men who would run things a whole lot differently than those in power do.

At 2:25 PM, Blogger jaibone said...

You may be right... but right now I want it to be a woman, because the boys have throughly screwed things up!

Give the girls a shot, then see what happens...


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