One More Federal Disaster.....
So, FEMA can't handle the job, and the Red Cross is trying, but who the hell is going to put the City of New Orleans back together.... and between now, and when the rebuilding is over, what will the people do? The poor people..... the ones who showed up in all the major wire photos..... mostly black, but all poor..... the rich folks got out and left the rest to rot in the sun, just like a photo I saw today of a dog laying by it's dead and bloating Master.
I've been wrirting fiction lately because I can't stomach writing about anything real right now.... I'm disgusted to be one of the unwashed masses who are never heard. What the hell will it take for this supremely stupid mass of idiots running the government to get it together and make a difference?.... Red tape, too many fingers in the pie, and no leader at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
We're doomed, people, doomed I tell you...
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