The Blog Nobody Reads

ruminations on politics, fat cats, injustice, and happier things like how to be more in tune with the planet, and the people on it.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

It's Official!

I hesitated writing this particular entry until a sufficient amount of time had passed since I let go of my serious addiction to the ever almighty Boob Tube! It's been two months and as every good addict in recovery knows, you take it one day at a time...Yeah, go ahead and laugh, but my addiction to channel flipping was serious! From early morning until late at night, and sometimes all night if I forgot to set the sleep timer, the screen shed it's evil light on me.... Yes, there are good things on the box, and you can learn from watching as well. But, I never got a lot done because I couldn't walk away....Now, here I sit writing... Something I didn't do a lot of during my days of active addiction..... I've produced art, made new friends, and actually gone out and done things I've said I was going to do since arriving in this town two plus years ago.... Amazing!Yes, there are things I miss; like the Food Network, and PBS, and The History Channel, but since I don't have the watch one show and turn it off gene I'm choosing to use that vast information superhighway called the World Wide Web to gather facts instead of sitting on the couch in front of the tube.I never thought I'd be able to say, Hi, my name is Jai and I am a television addict, but my disease is in remission and now I can pursue all my other interests with a clear mind...


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