The Blog Nobody Reads

ruminations on politics, fat cats, injustice, and happier things like how to be more in tune with the planet, and the people on it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

On Fallen Hippies....

To all the kiddies out there in cyberland, take some advice from your Uncle Jai... never trust a man in a tye-dyed t-shirt who wears Birkenstocks and is tight with his wallet....

Why is it that a sub-species of homo-penis-erectus, commonly know as the Man Hippie, is portrayed as the loving, kinder, gentle species? I'm discovering, through active study, that there are certain members of this breed who exhibit signs of the carry over from the larger species of man. Greed, and dominance over the weaker of the sub-species.

Is it because they have forgotten why they chose to separate from the greater herd? Is it because they fear not having enough of those pieces of paper with dead guys on them to support their habit of nomadic wandering across the land that folks like me call Amerika? Is it because said fallen Hippie is a man? A man born to the privilege of being white. Never really releasing his attachment of having it be all about him....

Call me a radical, feminist, Dyke of you want to. But no matter the clothing, a wolf is still a wolf and will eat you while you sleep if given the opportunity... men are wolves, no matter what they say about how much kinder, or gentle they are....

Look out ladies who might choose said fallen one as a mate, he's liable to eat you too!


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