The Blog Nobody Reads

ruminations on politics, fat cats, injustice, and happier things like how to be more in tune with the planet, and the people on it.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

John McCain thinks it is alright to bail out Bear and Stearns, but to hell with the homeowners in this country. The almighty New York Times published an article today about how proposed billions in federal aid recommended by Clinton and Obama to help stem the forclosures that caused the collapse of Bear and Stearns aren't the answer according to the Republican's heir apparent.

According to the article, McCain believes it is mostly the fault of the homeowners. They leveraged against rising housing prices, then got caught when the market collapsed and they couldn't make the huge payments ARM mortgages brought their way, or as in some cases, couldn't make the payment at all because they no longer had jobs because of massive layoffs everywhere. 

Hum, lets see...... Bear and Stearns bought up a huge amount of mortgages, thinking the same thing, and they get all the help they need, with the heir apparent's blessing. 

And, some people will vote for this guy, instead of someone who wants to help the people get back on their feet, because the other candidates happen to be a woman and a bi-racial man. Something is wrong with this country, and problem is as old as the Republic itself. All men (read rich, white, male, property owners) are created equal, and the rest of us can live in our own filth..... Thanks a bunch there Johnny...... you scare me more than the Taliban or Al Quada.


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