Back On My Soap Box After A Short Absence
I'm in the south, south Texas to be exact. San Antonio, home of the Alamo. More people with the sir name Gonzalez than most any state in the union. Also, more named Gonzalez who are here after wandering in the desert, or hiding in the back of a truck, to get to this land of plenty, compared to where they were living in Mexico or El Salvador, or Honduras..... it is the later that are suffering from what I have to call racism. If they were white from Russia, would they be under the same scrutiny? I think not. It is because immigrants from Latin America are the current wave. The next large population to want to be here. Just like the Italians, and the Irish, and the Germans, who came in great numbers in the late 1880s and early 1900s. They are under the micoscope because they are becoming a non-white force and power base in this "perceived" lilly white country that is no longer lily white.
Those people, who happened to be white, were the people doing the jobs that hispanics are doing today. If one of them got mamed in a garment factory accident, there were 50 more waiting in the hall for their chance to earn a living. Now, there are hundreds of thousands in countries to the south, and right here in the good ol' USA waiting to take the place of the one who gets picked up in an INS raid. Tax-paying businesses across the country are closing. People who even though they were here without the almighty green card are staying away from businesses, there for reducing the revenue of this already bankrupt country. So much for the rule of the white folks. Fat cats that they are. They want to keep it and for some reason white america is scared of these hard working folks who willl clean the toilets and wipe the shit off the restaurant tables, and do all the dirty, low paying jobs you couldn't get a white person to do.
It's time to forgive and forget.... let them come if they want to. They will contribute to the welfare of Mexico and the United States of Whitedom. They will clean up, and learn, and grow into the Cesar Chavezs' that will lead this screwed up nation in the future, and maybe do a better job than the silly, fat cat white boys screwing things up in Washington everyday.
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