On The Last Day....
It is the last day on the Gregorian calendar (I think that's what it's called). I'm always a bit weepy as I watch the morning news shows put the last 365 into convenient two minute bites of video and sound. Lots went on in Twenty-O-Seven.
More deaths in Afganistan, Iraq, and every other country in the world, over politics and religion and oil. It never stops. Killing in the name of everything holy, and unholy.
People are still starving to death on the African continent. Ethnic cleansing along tribal lines is alive in well in places like Chad and Darfur.
People all over the world finally woke up and smelled the greenhouse gases ruining the climate on the big blue marble know as Earth. What took the rest of you so long? My "people" have been trying to do the right thing since the seventies. Where where you then? Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is not a new mantra, but it sure seems like it. I bought my first compact fluorescent bulb in 1990. They cost a bunch more then, $8 apiece, but they were worth it.
Wages still don't keep up with inflation, poverty still exists in the US, I still can't afford to buy my own health insurance, and the combustion engine is still being made even though gas costs as much a six-pack of cheap beer.
I guess as Twenty-o-seven ends and Twenty-o-eight begins, there isn't much to be thankful for, but I do have hope. I hope that someday soon I will wake up and in my fantasy world there will be no hunger, no wars, no ethnic cleansing, and no more assault on the atmosphere.
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