Why Israel and not Natives in America?
Jews believe that the west bank, and most all of what they call Judea or Samaria, was given to them by god and it says so in the old testament. The united states government supports Israel's right to exist, and therefore support the belief that god gave them the land. So, why is it that this same government won't support sovereign rights of Indian nations in this country and their right to do as they damn will please. And, for that matter, why don't they give it back and go somewhere else and screw that up too? Oh, wait, no place left to go. The Imperial Storm Trooper George Bush is making sure of that.
And, it seems to me that the Palestinians are the new Sioux or Cheyenne or Cherokee for that matter. Keep them in ghettos, kill them if they fight being marginalized, and lock them away on land that won't feed them or give them room to grow. Sounds very similar to the policies adopted by the US government concerning Indians in the 1800s.
I agree that Jews need a homeland, but do they have to have it at the expense of a people who claim the land as theirs as well? Seems like old lessons have yet to be learned and jihad will be alive and well until there is some equitable settlement of this age old question. Who came first, the Jews, or the Palestinians... and does it really matter who came first at this late stage of history?
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