these wars aren't about freedom and Democracy
observations on this life
Why is it that the wars in Iraq and Afganistan are being pushed on the Amerikan public as an effort to protect our freedom and that old stand by of bringing Democracy to the masses? What freedoms do we have left? Big Brother is curling up at the foot of every bed, in every house, in every state in the country. These illegal military actions have nothing to do with freedom, these actions are about making sure that the Amerikan government anhilates any foreign government that refuses to bow to their muscle. There are no weapons of mass distruction, Osama can't be found, and terrorism by foreign nationals against the administration (by way of killling innocent civilians) is to be expected when Dubya and his henchmen won't keep their respective noses out of the internal affairs in other countires. I wouldn't say the Amerikan people were asking for it on September 11th, but it was to be expected, and I'm surprised it hasn't happened again. If any of us cares about the freedoms guaranteed in the Constutition and the Bill of Rights it might be time to speak up and speak out. We need to be protected from being the ones who take it on the chin for Dubya. We need to to be smart and vote very differently in four years. Come on people.... wake up. The Amerikan administration is going to get a lot more people killed in the name of so called "freedom" for the next four years. ACT UP, FIGHT BACK!
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